NYRA-AU to Challenge Alcohol Policy

NYRA-AU to Challenge Alcohol Policy

The American University chapter for the National Youth Rights Association announced last week its plans to challenge the school’s parental notification policy regarding alcohol violations. “AU students are mostly legal adults. The school should stop their “tattle” policy to mommy and daddy if they are caught with a beer on campus.” explained the chapter’s treasurer,…

New Chapters Forming Now

New Chapters Forming Now

New NYRA chapters are sprouting up all across the country. The latest chapter to be approved is NYRA-Michigan, started by Niel Block, chapter president. Chapters for California and New York City are in the final stages of formation; good things can be expected from them both. NYRA-Mizzou, the new chapter for the University of Missiouri-Columbia…

Victory for New Chapter

Victory for New Chapter

The newly formed Augusta, Georgia NYRA chapter has already won its first battle. The local high school attempted to ban all private displays of the Confederate Flag and after pressure from the NYRA-AUG chapter the school removed the policy. Students of all races were upset over the new policy since it limited their freedom of…

NYRA-AU To Show “Newsies”

NYRA-AU To Show “Newsies”

On November 15th, the American University NYRA chapter will show the Disney movie, “Newsies” for the campus. The showing will be free and food will be provided. “Newsies” tells the tale of newsboys in New York who stand up for their rights and go on strike. A handout will be distrubuted that relates the movie…

DC Chapter Reformed

DC Chapter Reformed

Paul and Gillian St. Lawrence have agreed to head up the NYRA-DC chapter after a recent meeting in Washington, DC. They are in the process of assembling a group of young DC area leaders to help with the chapter, if you are interested in helping out click here. DC is a hotbed for Youth Rights…

AU Chapter Secures Budget

AU Chapter Secures Budget

The American University NYRA chapter has had its $800 dollar budget approved by the university this week. In March NYRA-AU is planning on bringing Dr. David Hanson to campus to speak about lowering the Drinking Age. NYRA-AU is also planning on holding fundraising concerts and helping with the Anti-Age Discrimination campaign. NYRA-AU’s first meeting of…

NYRA-AU Shows Breakfast Club

NYRA-AU Shows Breakfast Club

On Tuesday May 1 NYRA’s American University Chapter held a free showing of The Breakfast Club for AU students. This program was a chance to invite students to learn about Youth Rights and enjoy a classic movie. Students attending the program enjoyed free breakfast food provided by the chapter. This program recieved a good turn…