We are the nation’s largest organization fighting for the rights of all young people. The National Youth Rights Association, or NYRA (NYE-ruh), was formed in 1998 by a group of young people who wanted to challenge the age discrimination and prejudice they were experiencing. Realizing that ageism is similar to other forms of oppression, they started NYRA as a youth-led civil rights organization in the hope of emulating other successful rights organizations that have pushed us to a more just world. Meet the team that continues that work today:

Campaign Leads

Catherine McCarthy

Catherine is a Double Duck at the University of Oregon in her third-year of law school at 21. Inspired by her father’s business, she pursued her B.S. in accounting. However, after observing political division in her hometown, she was driven to become an advocate. She became passionate about the intersection of civil rights and age throughout her educational journey as a younger scholar. Recently, she wrote about addressing reverse ageism by encouraging one to be viewed by merit and fitness, rather than age, using themes of intergenerational cooperation and individual professional development.

Ethan Bui

Ethan Bui is a political activist from Sacramento, CA. He has experience as a canvasser and organizer for several successful electoral campaigns as well as partisan organizations. Ethan is an Honors Political Science Major at Cosumnes River College where he serves in the Student Senate and plays the Tuba in the campus band. He is excited to advocate for MLDA (Minimum Legal Drinking Age) reform at NYRA.

Kayla Múzquíz

Kayla is a resilient foster care survivor of institutional abuse. They hope to use their insight of the child welfare system to spread awareness of the civil rights violations happening day in and day out, especially within the Troubled Teen Industry (TTI). She has written articles for The Hill, Ms. Magazine, and Children’s Rights. They are currently attending Palo Alto College in San Antonio, Texas. They have been a certified dog trainer since 2016 and found healing through working with dogs of all breeds. They currently work with a pit bull service dog.

Nathan Lee *

Nathan is a determined high school student. Passionate about making a change and voicing his concerns. Influenced by recent events regarding the lack of transparency in the justice system. He is advocating for awareness for the rights of youth specifically within the justice system. In his spare time, Nathan enjoys to read, bike, play violin, and explore diverse foods of his community.

Sarai Livesey **

Sarai Livesey is a disabled child abuse survivor empassioned about highlighting and deconstructing systemic ageism in all its presentations, and how it intersects with disability rights, queer rights, environmental rights, and workers’ rights across all ages. Sarai holds the philosophy that all human rights are only as strong as those of the youngest among us.

Communications Team

Katelyn Pioy

Katelyn is a high school student from New Jersey. She is a first-generation Filipino-American. She is an activist and has a passion for social justice, often spending her time volunteering for different advocacy organizations like NYRA. She hopes to create a tangible impact and bring awareness to youth rights. She wants to become a lawyer in the future. In her freetime she loves to read, write, and watch Netflix.

Katherine Farr **

Katherine is a neurodivergent advocate for Self-Directed Education. Her interest in youth rights started in high school, where her neurodivergence caused many struggles. She discovered unschooling and convinced her parents to let her leave school to learn in her own way. She’s now attending a community college, majoring in environmental science. Her dream is to see a world where all people have the freedom to live their best life.

Nikos Mohammadi *

Nikos is a high school student studying abroad in Switzerland. He is against the way we treat youth such as through discriminatory and punitive curfew laws, book bans, and store policies that bar unaccompanied minors, all of which are unique to at least some degree to the United States. His hobbies are reading existentialist and postmodern literature, engaging in political debates, and photography (pictured here with one of his favorite books, America by Jean Baudrillard).

Oliver Fox-Rubin

Oliver has been an unschooler since 6th grade, and he is very passionate about stopping the unjust treatment of young people in all fields, but especially education, politics, and general discrimination and prejudice. He is also very interested in the environmental movement, and he and his friends and family organized a climate change strike in 2019. In his free time, he likes being with his friends and family, playing with his sister (who is a dog), and learning the language Esperanto (with gender reforms.)

Rimon-Hadassah Walker

Rimon-Hadassah, a proud alumnus of Simon’s Rock early college, is a Media Studies graduate student who keenly remembers how little their autonomy was respected when they were younger. Through their writing, they hope to reframe the general public’s assumptions about youth, education, bodily autonomy, and personhood.

Human Resources

Brian Conner * **

Brian is a neuroqueer, nonbinary lesbian and a member of the autistic self-advocacy community. Brian’s interest in youth rights and self-directed education began their sophomore year of high school, when they participated in a student uprising against their school’s administration. Brian studies film, theatre, music, and creative writing at Sarah Lawrence College, where she is also a member of the Midnight Cabaret, a sketch comedy group which performs at midnight every Friday. After graduating she hopes to found an urban, income-sharing intentional community.

Research Lead

Allison Jenkins *

Both an autodidact and neurodivergent Allison’s interest in IT created a career that included a “very particular set of skills”. Spending three years within the Troubled Teen Industry with an isolated upbringing in the deep south her fierce tenacity was her strength. Allison applied her tech skill set not only to survive but to generate awareness creating resources for public use. This was further refined and utilized in litigious and legislative efforts addressing the TTI. Allison specializes in open source intelligence researching institutional abuse, cult based practices, and coercive persuasion with her work referenced on the investigative resource bellingcat.

* Team Leader

** NYRA Board of Directors

The Board of Directors meets only in case of emergencies and consists of every volunteer who has been active for at least six months and demonstrated a thorough understanding of youth rights, intersectionality, and consent-based decision making.

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