NYRA Featured on AOL News

NYRA Featured on AOL News

On September 17 NYRA made an unexpected appearance as part of the top news story on America Online’s welcome screen. NYRA-DC President, Laura Finstad, and NYRA Executive Director, Alex Koroknay-Palicz were both interviewed for an ABCnews.com article about lowering the voting age that appeared on the 17th. AOL news picked up the story and used…

Petition of Voices

Petition of Voices

NYRA-Montgomery County’s “Petition of Voices” has begun circulation for the 03-04 school year. This petition, first started last year, calls upon all high schools in the Maryland county to create a student advocate position. This faculty member will defend students accused of violating school rules. In half-an-hour of petitioning the chapter collected 140 signatures outside…

Students to Picket DC 7-11

Students to Picket DC 7-11

Joining NYRA’s ongoing campaign against age discrimination, NYRA-DC, NYRA-American University, and NYRA-High Point are joining together to protest the ageist policy outside of a Washington, DC 7-11. Despite the fact that adults are responsible for twice as much shoplifting as youth, this policy prohibits more than 2 students inside at any one time. Many NYRA-DC…

NYRA-DC Prepares for Busy Year

NYRA-DC Prepares for Busy Year

At their monthly chapter meeting on March 1st, President Laura Finstad outlined an ambitious year of youth rights activism. NYRA-DC has taken its first step toward lowering the voting age in the area by contacting area city councils. The chapter has also begun inquiries into establishing a Youth Center for the city. Several fundraising concerts…

NYRA-ND To Lower Voting Age

NYRA-ND To Lower Voting Age

The North Dakota chapter for the National Youth Rights Association has announced its intention to lower the voting age to 16 in the state by 2004. Johnathan McClure, NYRA-ND Treasurer is in charge of the effort to gather 25,688 valid signatures to put the measure on the ballot in 2004. This will be the first…