As reported in my last blog entry, I have been actively working to create a position on my local school board for students. I was expecting to speak at the March board meeting, but I was informed a few days before the meeting that it had been postponed until the meeting on Monday, April 3, 2006.

On April 3, I spoke to the Buncombe County Board of Education during the public comment session. The board’s chair commended me for my activism and involvement, but he thought it was an issue that would have to be decided by the state level of government. Unfortunately, no members from the media were present.

I contacted the North Carolina State Board of Education, and I spoke to Betsy West, the assistant executive director for the board. She believed that the issue is a local level decision, but she referred me to the state board’s legal advisor, Harry Wilson. Wilson confirmed that it is indeed a decision that can be made by local boards of education in North Carolina.

I have been interviewed by the Asheville Citizen-Times about the latest stage in my endeavor. I have plans to report my new findings to the Buncombe County Board of Education at its next meeting in May.

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