Gavin Newsom Won on Youth Rights

Gavin Newsom Won on Youth Rights

The Newsom-DeSantis debate was largely pointless. It involved Ron DeSantis who is running for president but trailing far behind the Republican frontrunner Donald Trump, and Gavin Newsom who has stated he doesn’t intend to run for president this election cycle but has been suggested as a potential replacement for Joe Biden if he chooses to…

Grades Don’t Define You

Grades Don’t Define You

Reposted from My Unschooling Adventure with permission from the author. As much as I’d like to think otherwise, I haven’t fully recovered from school. Teachers treating me as superior to other students because of my test scores led me to conflate my worth with my achievements. Even now, I have a tendency to think of…

COVID Online Education

COVID Online Education

COVID-19 is exposing glaring problems in American society. The rapid spread of the virus has forced all Americans to live differently – from average citizens to experienced politicians. However, as the virus continues to spread and create more issues, American students can find some solace in a return to routine – through the continuity of…

Portland Student Rights Union joins NYRA to address Student Rights

Portland Student Rights Union joins NYRA to address Student Rights

Members of Portland Student Rights Union – A NYRA Chapter We originally started the Portland Student Rights Union (SRU) in October 2017 to protest the administration of our school, the Metropolitan Learning Center Administration in Portland, Oregon, taking away all student breaks as a form of collective punishment. Even though we were an unofficial group,…

18 Years Is Half My Life

18 Years Is Half My Life

Time speeds up A year represents less perceived time to someone in their 90s than it does to someone in their teens. You can see how time accelerates as we get older in this interactive visualization by Maximilian Keiner. Keiner argues that to human beings, the first 18 years of life seem just as long…