Update on cell phones and email

Update on cell phones and email

On Thursday, the members of the School Leadership Team at Reynolds High School debated electronic devices and cell phone usage policy.  Despite the efforts of of the student council president and I, the committee voted to ban all cell phone usage during class changes, effective next year.  We were able to convince them to allow cell phones during…

Don’t ban cell phones either!

Don’t ban cell phones either!

Dear A.C. Reynolds High School Administration: Some members of the School Leadership Team have recently announced their desire to ban the use of electronic devices by students during school hours.  Some members believe that students should still be able to use these devices during their lunch period, while others are completely opposed to any changes. …

Don’t Ban Email in Schools!

Don’t Ban Email in Schools!

Personal Email Accounts – BCS Meeting – April 5, 2007 It has come to the attention of the School Leadership Team at Reynolds High School, of which I am a member, that the county’s Technology Department has been directed to ban all personal email account usage for the next school year.  The ban would affect…

Ban Corporal Punishment in NC

Ban Corporal Punishment in NC

Dear North Carolina Legislator: As your constituent, I encourage you to support HB853/S874. HB853/S874 is the bill that would prohibit the use of corporal punishment in public schools across the state. North Carolina is one of 21 states that still allows school districts to use corporal punishment. There are many alternatives to spanking a student,…

A Year’s Reflection

A Year’s Reflection

It was a year ago this month when I first started my project to add a student adviser onto the Buncombe County Board of Education.  Although the board did not listen to all of the supporters, here are just a few of the positive things that came out of my project: Media exposure for the…

Why to lower the voting age

Why to lower the voting age

The 26th Amendment to the United States Constitution sets the federal voting age at 18 years old.   Before this Amendment was enacted, the voting age in most places was 21 years of age.  The voting age should again be lowered; this time, to 16 years of age. According to a recent study, 80% of 16-…