A new book by Dr. Robert Epstein, The Case Against Adolescence: Rediscovering the Adult in Every Teen, argues that young people are
more competent than most people think. Epstein’s research led him to
the conclusion that teenagers are essentially as competent as adults,
and treating them as children just leads to behavioral problems.

NYRA is very excited about this book, and expects it to enter the canon of
important youth rights literature. Epstein has already attracted some
serious publicity and will appear on The O’Reilly Factor on Friday, April 20. NYRA members are encouraged to tune in and write the show in support of Dr. Epstein.

Dr. Epstein has developed a test to determine how “adult” you are.
This test along with other substantial research prove that young people are far more competent than they are given credit for. Take the test yourself and discuss how you did at the NYRA Forums.

We hope that his work will continue to challenge our society’s preconceived notions about young people. This book should certainly end up on the bookshelf of any serious youth rights activist.

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