Surprise, Everyone is Ageist

Surprise, Everyone is Ageist

I often see people in NYRA’s Facecbook group say they are surprised or disappointed that some political leader or group they like is ageist. There is nothing surprising about it. Everyone is ageist. They aren’t ageist because they are bad people or irrational or hate kids, they just don’t know that there is any other…

18 Years Is Half My Life

18 Years Is Half My Life

Time speeds up A year represents less perceived time to someone in their 90s than it does to someone in their teens. You can see how time accelerates as we get older in this interactive visualization by Maximilian Keiner. Keiner argues that to human beings, the first 18 years of life seem just as long…

The Incentive to Be Sick:  Why many young people play along with diagnosis culture

The Incentive to Be Sick: Why many young people play along with diagnosis culture

  In his book, Teen 2.0, psychologist Robert Epstein gives an account of the medical profession’s complicity in the movement to marginalize young people: “In short, my own colleagues have long played and continue to play a leading role in the maintenance of the artificial extension of childhood. They have pathologized socially induced behavior and…

R-Rated Superhero Movies?

R-Rated Superhero Movies?

Bob Chipman had a very interesting take over at ScreenRant on the rumored R-rated directors cut version of Superman V Batman to be included on the DVD. Put simply, as he does, he sees it as an awful idea and a perversion. His reasons are rather interesting for youth rights activists. This isn’t the first…