I would like to commend Al Aynsley-Green, the Children’s Commissioner of England, for stating that youth are “capable of voting and want to do so.”

He goes on to say:

“…16-year-olds should be involved very much in the democratic process.”

“They’ve got important things to say and they understand how the adult world works.”

This is very impressive. Aynsley-Green is serving as the first Children’s Commissioner for England, and although it may not turn out the same in the US as in England, this makes me think that the youth in the United States are in need of a “commissioner.”

The Isle of Man, a British isle, has also had serious discussion about lowering the voting age in their country to 16.

The British have gotten on the right track, but it is apparent that the US has failed to do so. For the United States to get on the right track, we need people like you who are interested in youth rights. There are so many things that can be done, such as writing letters to the editors of school newspapers, local papers, and to your representatives in the government. It’s time to turn the tide, and now is the time to do it.

Source: 24dash.com

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