July 28-29 NYRA members from around the country will be in Washington, DC attending the 2007 NYRA Annual Meeting. This year’s event will have the most extensive collection of trainings and workshops yet. So far we are expecting workshops from Youth Venture, Students for Sensible Drug Policy, the Youth Policy Action Center, YouthACT and several from NYRA members and activists. Plus, as always, the Annual Meeting will feature the presentation of NYRA’s Annual Report, strategy discussion for the year ahead, and final voting for the Board Election. Best yet Annual Meeting
attendees get to be the first in the country to hear the election results!

Since most of our members are scattered around the country this is the best chance to reconnect face-to-face with all the people you’ve worked with and talked with online. We will be gathering for informal events in the city in addition to the workshops and business at the Annual Meeting. Every year we have a lot of fun, so please come if you are able. Attendance is free. The schedule will be sent out once it is finalized, but be sure to RSVP so you can be certain you get all the details for attending. RSVP for the annual meeting here.

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