After a month of planning, NYRA’s most involved campaign in its history begins. Half-a-dozen activists will come to Vermont to join the active Vermont Chapter in lowering the drinking age to 18 in the state. This is a proud and important moment for the youth rights movement. For the next two weeks NYRA activists will be crisscrossing the state of Vermont spreading information to everyone we can find about lowering the drinking age. This well organized campaign hopes to create a strong grassroots movement in Vermont that will outlast this two week campaign. A press conference, debate, fundraisers, and a youth lobby day are currently scheduled for the next two weeks among other events. Since this is a very important campaign, daily updates will be provided on President Alex Koroknay-Palicz’s youth rights blog. All interested members are strongly encouraged to check in daily, and also to spread the updates to everyone you know, on every message board and every mailing list you know of. The Vermont campaign will be successful if it can create a national dialogue over the issue of lowering the drinking age, and force people to confront their bias towards youth in a real way. This is possible when everyone works to spread the news of this campaign. If you would like to donate money to support the campaign, please go here.

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