NYRAthon is over, so no more point in donating. Right?

WRONG! It’s always a good time to donate to NYRA. Look at all the great stuff we do and could do if we had more money. Don’t think you shouldn’t care anymore just because NYRAthon is over, and it doesn’t seem like your donations would be rewarded.

That’s what Spell NYRA is all about! If you’ve got a cool website, donate $25 to NYRA, and you’ll get a space on that big grid on that page. If you don’t have a site or the money, find other people you know to get in on this. Tell them how awesome NYRA is. Tell them how much we’d appreciate them forever for getting a space. Tell them we’d all visit the site and tell others how cool it is and how cool the webmasters are for getting spaces!

So that’s all there is to it. Get a space! And if you can’t get a space, find people who can! Do it now! :doitnow:

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