NYRA-Southeast Florida, one of NYRA’s powerhouse chapters, is making great progress in its campaign to abolish a curfew against youth in the city of West Palm Beach. The curfew ordinance prohibits youth from being outside in the downtown area after 10 PM on weekdays and after 11 PM on weekends. However, many exceptions are written into the ordinance, including an exception for any activity protected by the First Amendment.

Chapter leaders have met with the city attorney, bringing with them, in the words of chapter president Jeff Nadel, “an abundance of case law” demonstrating that freedom of speech, freedom of association and freedom of assembly are protected by the First Amendment for all Americans, both adults and legal minors. According to Nadel, the city attorney is mostly in agreement that the curfew ordinance is useless and plans to recommend the repeal of the ordinance. Once that happens, West Palm Beach will be one more example of an unconstitutional curfew law brought down by youth rights activists.

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