It may seem strange that I posted “Part 2” after this title, but there was in fact a Part 1. It was posted December 8, 2006, so you have to go back quite a bit to find it. The post was about the opposition a few other students and myself were putting up to a local 7PM curfew for October 30 and 31. I hoped to post an update sooner than this, but it’s better late than never. Here’s the update I promised.

After about 8 months of near-silence (with the exception of a couple e-mails) from the village, I e-mailed the local chapter of New York’s ACLU affiliate. They contacted the village, who agreed to discuss the curfew again at their meeting this past Monday night. I spoke again, and the reaction of the board was fairly similar to last November. The trustees didn’t even remember seeing our suggestions for alternatives to a curfew, which were sent to the village in January. However, one board member did seem more supportive, on constitutional grounds. I had to leave early, but someone from NYCLU who came spoke after I left and was, I heard, received in a similar way.

Tuesday, I heard from a fellow activist that she had been called by the village clerk, who said that a bill had been introduced to repeal the curfew, which would have a public hearing on October 22. An e-mail to the clerk confirmed this. I quickly sprang into action, contacting other supporters, and attempting to get people to attend the public hearing. I’m also attempting to meet with the police, whose recommendation to keep the curfew is a major reason it’s still on the books.

It’ll be tough getting the support together in a month, but if we can and we get the bill passed, it will be a major step for youth rights. Our opponents are many and determined (one approached me after I left the meeting on Monday and began arguing with me about it and vowing to prevent it from being repealed), but mass movements can get something done. Hopefully, this can become a mass movement. Only time will tell.

To hopefully be continued…

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