Last year’s NYRAthon was an overwhelming success. Chapters and individuals engaged in friendly competition to see who could raise the most money, which resulted in a relatively significant influx of money. This money was what allowed NYRA to hire its Executive Director to work full time. If NYRA is ever to become the viable organization that we want it to be, we need enough
money for a full time staff.

Unfortunately, this year’s NYRAthon has not been as successful. The contest, which runs until June 7, will award prizes to the three individuals who raise the most money for NYRA. There will also be a prize for the chapter that raises the most money. The administration cannot overstate the importance of this kind of fundraising. Even if members don’t have a lot of money, every little bit helps. With too few active members and the recent loss of our physical office, it is especially important that we keep our
Executive Director working full time, and possibly expand our staff in the coming years.

To make a donation, please send a check or cash to –
1703 Farragut Ave, Rockville MD, 20851>

Or donate online by going here.

All donations are tax deductable.

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