The annual election, where the NYRA membership votes for a new slate of board members, is almost upon us. NYRA has an impressive slate of well-qualified candidates for the board this year, including a few incumbents, several active chapter leaders, and other figures from regional and national NYRA leadership. The only requirement to run for the board is to be a paid NYRA member. Being a full member of NYRA is also necessary to vote, Paid membership costs just $10 per year; to pay your dues, go here. This promises to be the most competitive election in NYRA history, don’t miss out! Voting begins July 1, become a voting member right away.

Also on the ballot this year are two amendments to NYRA’s bylaws to require a two-thirds majority vote when the board votes to remove an officer or Director. And an amendment to NYRA’s education position paper opposing corporal punishment in schools. Both the bylaw change and the position paper amendment will also be voted on by members this year. All NYRA members and supporters have an opportunity to speak to the board candidates and ask them questions directly in NYRA’s election forum, please visit it here.

As of this writing, the following individuals have declared their candidacy for the board (14 candidates for nine seats):

Jackie Ferro (president, NYRA-Nanuet)
Justin Graham (incumbent; editor, NYRA Freedom)
Max Harmony (board of directors, Americans for a Society Free from Age Restrictions)
Alex Koroknay-Palicz (incumbent; NYRA executive director)
Brian Lombrowski (president, Community Alliance for the Ethical Treatment of Youth)
Keith Mandell (incumbent)
Dustin Manuel (former NYRA board member)
Vicky Minerva (member)
Katrina Moncure (incumbent)
Stefan Muller (incumbent; NYRA vice president)
Stephanie Mungroo (member, NYRA-Nanuet)
Jeffrey Nadel (president, NYRA of Southeast Florida)
Steve Ross (former chairman, Zionsville Student Rights Union)
Chip Sinton (incumbent; NYRA president)

In an unusual twist, at the Board’s last meeting of the year, on June 14, Jeffrey Nadel and Steve Ross were appointed to the Board to replace Eric Kim and Jacqueline Trumbull, both removed due to lack of attendance. Voting in the election begins July 1, and will conclude at NYRA’s Annual Meeting in Washington D.C. on August 1.

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