NYRA Freedom

ISSN 1933-5229

Volume 1, Issue 2

August 24, 2001


CNN/RNN Debates
ACLU Curfew Struggle
Recruiting Efforts
Board of Directors
Newsletter Staff


Welcome to the second issue of NYRA Freedom! Yes, that’s right, NYRA Freedom was voted as the number one title choice. Be on the look out for our regular Freedom articles in upcoming issues!

CNN/RNN Debates

Sunday, July 29, 2001, Alex Koroknay-Palicz, NYRA President, was featured on CNN debating the legal drinking age against Mary Eilts, a young member of Mothers Against Drunk Driving. Ms. Eilts had few arguments that supported her defense of keeping the legal drinking age at 21. On the contrary, Koroknay-Palicz led most of the debate with his defense of lowering the legal age to promote safer, more responsible drinking. Both arguments were well executed, but Alex Koroknay-Palicz was victorious in the debate, giving NYRA recognition as a major voice for all youth in America!

The TV segment shown on RNN was favorable toward NYRA, but Alex Koroknay-Palicz was only permitted 2 minutes of debate time as opposed to the 20 minutes promised. Regardless, Koroknay-Palicz dispensed his ideas effectively supported with facts. Both debates turned out to be successes for NYRA!

ACLU Curfew Struggle

The American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana contacted NYRA recently requesting assistance in their battle against the state’s curfew laws. It is up to us to mobilize now and speak out for our fellow youth in that area. Check the website at www.youthrights.org to see how you can help and share your voice.

Recruiting Efforts

In a recent plea by Christopher Coes, CFR Committee Chairman, he encouraged members to participate in NYRA’s recruitment rush. The N*SYNC recruitment effort brought in 50 new members but was cut short due to a horrendous downpour. This combined effort brought in less than what the Green Day concert recruitment achieved; a whopping 125. DC member, Dave Varney single-handedly recruited over 50 new members last week by attending local shows. He also acquired bands and clubs to support our organization.

Due to efforts such as these, this summer has seen amazing progress in recruiting. NYRA’s membership has DOUBLED since May. This is what Coes spoke of in his e-mail. We need each of you to support NYRA to your fullest. Each of you have joined this organization because you believe in the power of voice and the power of youth. You are that power. Now use it! The Chapter Formation and Recruitment Committee has stated one of its first major goals: To have one chapter in each state by March 2002. As Christopher Coes says, “So here is the call to my fellow NYRA members, my fellow Americans, to UNITE! ENGAGE! BRING THE WAVE OF CHANGE!! Across America!”

Board of Directors

A meeting was held August 5, 2001 amongst the Board of Directors to determine future plans of NYRA. One of the major issues discussed was the annual meeting which will begin on October 9 and conclude on November 10 with an in person meeting in Washington, DC. Two current members have left their posts; Robert Grant, who resigned from his position as treasurer, and Manda Joseph who was removed from her post of secretary due to her neglect of duties. Neither can be officially removed from the board, however, except by a vote of the membership which will be held October 9. If any are interested, the positions for secretary and treasurer are vacant and open for application. E-mail NYRAUSA@… to apply.

Newsletter Staff

NYRA Freedom has just seen its birth, and already it is seeing its hardships. As the editor of the newsletter and your every day teenage student, I can only take on so much responsibility. This is why I am requesting that a courageous few step forth and take on the challenge of writing articles for NYRA Freedom. Applicants must be able to follow guidelines and be adherent to all deadlines. If you think you have what it takes or are willing to at least give it a try, please send me an e-mail at snap6320@… with your name, e-mail address, and a brief description of where your strengths are and what you may want to do as part of the staff. Thank you!


Last month’s newsletter turned out to be a major success among NYRA members. I thank all of you who e-mailed me your comments and I appreciate them dearly. Hopefully these first few mailings will be the foundation we need to get this newsletter off the ground. Once again, thank you all!

Best of wishes,
Ryan Bolz
Recruitment Committee, Southern Region
NYRA Newsletter Editor

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