One of the first actions of any new board of directors is to appoint
its officers. NYRA is no exception. In the ever important first board
meeting of the 2007 – 2008 cycle new officers were appointed to their
respective positions. The Presidency was attained by Adam King from
North Carolina who has been until now Vice President of NYRA. Chip
Sinton from Florida and who lost the election to the board, became
Treasurer for this year. Katrina Moncure, Chapter Formation
Representative and board member for several years, from Maryland,
became Secretary. Stefan Muller from New York and who just became a
board member is Vice President. Together, they are the officers of
NYRA for the 2007 – 2008 cycle. Finally, while not an officer position,
new board member Yonaton Yares, has been appointed Communications Director. Read more about the NYRA officers here.

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