The last two months have seen an unprecedented surge in NYRA
fundraising. Because of your generosity you have put NYRA on pace for
a record fundraising year in 2008. NYRA participated in the Causes
Giving Challenge on Facebook that began on December 14 and lasted till
February 1. NYRA focused on two days, December 19 and January 16, to
hold “money bombs” in the hope of winning the contest’s daily prize of
$1,000. Despite an incredibly impressive drive on both days, we did
not win the daily prize on either day, nor did we win any of the
overall prizes in the contest. But we did shatter all fundraising
records this organization’s history.

Between the two money bombs on Facebook, our annual year-end
fundraiser and two small grants we received, we raised a total of
$14,160 in the last two months! Over $5,000 of that total came from
individual members and supporters of the cause. This is absolutely
unprecedented. Last year we raised about $17,000 for the entire year.
To follow that with over $14,000 in just two months sends a very
strong message that youth rights is gaining in popularity and gaining
in strength.

Over 170 people gave to NYRA in the last two months. Our paid
membership is up to 190, the highest total in NYRA history. Thank you
to everyone who participated and thank you for continuing to grow this
organization. We’re still small, but with your continued support we
are growing bigger and bigger every year!

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