On November 13th, DeWarren Langley resigned from both the NYRA Board, and from his position as the director of the Chapter Formation and Advisory Office. DeWarren resigned due to differences of opinion, stemming from his very literal view of NYRA’s mission statement and his strong opinions with regard to the best possible structuring of the CFAO. DeWarren’s abrupt resignation left NYRA without one of its most active members. DeWarren was very active, and someone who brought some impressive credentials to NYRA. We wish him the best of luck with his future. At a November 23rd meeting, the NYRA Board of Directors voted to appoint, Scott Davidson, to fill DeWarren’s vacancy. Davidson said,”As a Director, I hope to continue to serve this organization to the best of my abilities as I have been striving to do as both Secretary and “NYRA Freedom” Editor.”

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