On November 2nd, the US Supreme Court will be hearing the oral arguments in the Schwarzenegger v. EMA case. On trial is the ability of the state to subject video games to censorship and legal age restrictions. In order to promote the free speech rights of youth NYRA will be holding a rally on the steps of the Supreme Court, and we’d love for you to join us! Please RSVP here at the Facebook event.

November 2nd is also Election Day: a day when millions of young people across the nation will be denied the right to vote. While their essential rights and liberties hang in the balance, not one of them will be permitted to vote. On this day, NYRA will be holding a rally on the steps of the Supreme Court to fight for a future where all youth may live unconfined by the walls of censorship and may protect their political interests through free exercise of their right to vote.
We need your help to make this happen. A strong showing is necessary to prove to the Court and the country that Americans of all ages support the civil rights of youth.
Join us starting at 8:30 AM on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, D.C. to help make a stand for youth rights.
We have done our part in this case to ensure that the voices of youth are heard, we joined with the ACLU and the National Coalition Against Censorship to file an amicus brief. We generated a storm of discussion on several gaming forums and gathered over 100 comments describing the social, political, and artistic value of video games. Several of these comments were included in our final brief and will be read and discussed by the Supreme Court. But we cannot change the fact those most affected by this ruling have been allowed no role in electing those who will make the decision. Join us on Election Day on the steps of the Supreme Court to make it known that youth will no longer sit idly by as our rights are curtailed and our political means of opposition stifled.
How you can help:
Please support youth rights by attending and spreading word of this rally (you can RSVP at the Facebook event here).
We’re also looking for slogans to write on signs and banners. If you’ve got an idea for a sign that:
- Makes a strong argument why video games should not be censored or banned
- Shows off the value of video games
- Defends the First Amendment rights of youth
- Pokes fun at the star of violent action films (Schwarzenegger) defending a ban on violent video games
- Highlights the fact that youth are denied the right to vote across the nation
- Shows support for the equal rights of youth
or that you think will help us sway public opinion in any way, please tell us in the comments.
We need to project a professional image, so please dress nicely and act respectfully.
See you on Election Day!
Video games cause violence like spoons cause obesity, so should we ban spoons?
– Pushing a button =/= pulling a trigger
– E-S-R-B is E-N-O-U-G-H
– Stop trying to ban what you don’t understand
I don’t think protesting outside the Court is actually an effective means of swaying the Justices, although it may help with the media. If there’s anything left to do that might sway the Justices, I think it would be to have as many people who look under 18 in the courtroom as possible. Signs are not allowed and silence is required, but their mere attentive presence would signify, hey, we’re paying attention, we understand the issues, and our minds matter.
Don’t Play Games with Freedom
My Freedom Is Not in Another Court
The 1st Amendment Has No Age Clause
Terminate Discrimination, Not Speech
Protect the Minority that Can’t Vote
This Is My Country Too
[Pic of Constitution] This Is My Constitution Too
What Lesson Will the Court Teach Today?
How Can We Learn Freedom Without Freedom?
New Medium, Young Players, Old Principles Always True
[Pic of Constitution] What Level Will We Find This On?
Too Young to Play???
[Pic of Statue of Liberty] How Many Lives Does She Have Left?
“The worst part about censorship is -scribble out words -”
“Great, a law that only applies to those who can’t vote about it.”
“Love you kids, let them chose.”
“OBSCENE is a subjective word.”
“Video games; keeping kids indoors and away from REAL violence.”
“Playing Grand Theft Auto since ’04, still haven’t stolen a car.”
You could also have people blindfold themselves for effect.
Gaming Takes Practice. So Does Freedom.
I think it would be wise to confine whatever statement you want to make to first amendment issues and not weaken it with the secondary right to vote issue. And voting is a privelege, not an absolute right, just like a driver’s license is a privelege. Good luck, and remember to show respect to get respect.
Did you really just call perhaps the absolute right to any democratic society a privilege? Oy.