On August 14, national news service MSNBC featured a headline on a topic central to NYRA: the debate to lower the drinking age. The full article and video, including a poll, are available online and include a tip of the hat to the National Youth Rights Association. Pic of Alex Koroknay-Palicz taken mid-sentence while broadcasting in Greensboro, NC Dozens of local TV and radio stations across the country have been in touch with NYRA over the last few days, giving us the opportunity to amplify our message out to hundreds of thousands of people across the country. Just to give you a quick run down of past, present and future coverage to show the scope of this explosion in media coverage, NYRA representatives have been interviewed on the radio in Portland, St. Louis, Reading, CA, San Diego, Seattle, Tuscon, AZ, Springfield, IL, Jacksonville, FL, Scottsdale, AZ, Hartford, CT, on TV in Jacksonville, FL, Orlando, FL, Las Vegas, Boise, ID, Greensboro, NC, Evansville, IN, New Orleans, New York City, and possibly a national broadcast on Telemundo next week.

This is a surge in media coverage unprecedented in NYRA history, and the calls keep coming. This massive exposure for the organization is a sign that the tide may be turning in the battle to lower the drinking age. Even Mothers Against Drunk Driving is getting scared. They sent out a national alert yesterday in response to the surge of coverage for lowering the drinking age urging their members not to be swayed. But truth is on our side. The truth that lowering the drinking age will encourage moderate, responsible, and ultimately safer drinking in this country and respect the rights of young adults who have all the legal rights and responsibilities of adulthood at 18 but yet can’t drink legally.

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