On January 27th, NYRA had its first chapters meeting of the year. 10 chapters were present, including NYRA-Bergen County, NYRA-New York University, NYRA-Southeast Florida, NYRA-Los Angeles, NYRA-Stockton, NYRA-Potsdam, NYRA-Nanuet, NYRA-Austin, NYRA-DC, and NYRA-Berkeley. NYRA-Bergen County has managed to get the student government reinstated at Midland Park High School after their long fight with the Board of Education while maintaining their campaign opposing Kyleigh’s Law (an ageist legislation targeting young drivers) and working to recruit new members. Newly formed NYRA-NYU is currently in a year-long club development program with other official NYU clubs. The chapter’s main focus is opposing an ageist restriction on young shoppers at the Atlantic Terminal Mall in Brooklyn and has begun planning peaceful protests. They also intend to work to lower the drinking age and create awareness about behavior modification programs. Across New York is NYRA-Potsdam, led by Alexander Ivanoff, which plans to become a registered SUNY-Potsdam chapter.

NYRA-Southeast Florida is currently preparing for their hearing against the West Palm Beach curfew, scheduled two months from now. They have also begun National Youth Rights Day planning and are negotiating unjust school policies authorizing teachers and administrators to violate student privacy by reading their text messages and forcing them to take blood tests due to suspicion of marijuana abuse. NYRA-Los Angeles has also taken a stand against injustices in their school, protesting the random and unwarranted use of drug dogs at Temple City High School. The chapter is also planning a “Know Your Rights Day” on March 26th this year. Another California chapter leader, Alyssa Palomares of NYRA-Stockton, is working to spread awareness about youth rights through various local events including a fundraiser at a local restaurant and a possible benefit show.

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