The NYRA staff has been hard at work over the last week, setting up for the 10th Anniversary Annual Meeting. Chip Sinton, with some token assistance from various other volunteers, secured in-kind donations and bulk deals from Panera Bread, The Bagel Store, and Dominoes. Alex has been hard at work on another wholly adequate Annual Report, and early estimates have it being finished as early as this evening.
Pam Tatz came down from New York City to make flustered phone calls, and intern Jacqueline Trumbull has been hard at work organizing the amazing gifts that will be distributed to all in attendance. Preliminary estimates put the attendance of the meeting in the mid to high 30s, giving NYRA the ability to field over 3 baseball teams of supporters. A number of experts and demagogues(but they agree with us, so its okay) have been lined up to present and speak at the Annual Meeting. This meeting, which will have bagels, coffee and chairs, is shaping up to be the greatest event in history. Ever.

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