On the weekend of August 7th and 8th, NYRA members convened in the nation’s capital of Washington D.C. to attend the 2010 Annual Meeting, which was characterized by numerous presentations from movement activists both in and outside of NYRA, as well as strategic planning among members in attendance, and election of a new Board of Directors.

Attendees participated in high quality workshops by Students for Liberty, Flex Your Rights, Search for Common Ground, American Association of University Professors, Student Press Law Center and many tremendous presenters from NYRA. Plus plenty of opportunities to meet fellow NYRA members and do some strategic planning for the year to come. In addition to these great events, NYRA presented our 2009-2010 Annual Report and conducted the final voting in the 2010 board election.

Nearly 100 ballots were cast in this year’s election. NYRA members selected the following nine candidates to serve on our 2010-2011 board of directors: Jackie Ferro, Jenny Harkin, Nigel Jones, Alex Koroknay-Palicz, Hal Levy, Keith Mandell, Katrina Moncure, Jeffrey Nadel and Usiel Phoenix.

The audience of the annual meeting was expanded thanks to the blessings of Internet broadcast technology. After years of failed attempts, highly skilled NYRA technical staff (the web savvy folks down in Southeast Florida), were able to set up a live video feed of the proceedings for online viewers, who were also able to instantly post their thoughts in a live chat. The live stream and recorded content were invaluable in expanding the audience beyond the 40 people in Washington, DC to 233 total views online, watch here.

Thank you to all who attended or viewed the annual meeting, which can only be topped by an even bigger and better event next year. For those of you who missed it, you can still watch the entire meeting online. Also check out pictures of the event on Facebook.

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