I’m pleased to say yesterday’s first run of #16tovote on the 16th was a complete success! Yesterday, as our newest voting age awareness campaign, many youth rights supporters posted to Twitter their feelings on lowering the voting age, as well as relevant links, and retweeted each other’s voting age tweets, all with the hashtag #16tovote. Search results for #16tovote can be found here, but here are yesterday’s awesome voting age tweets! We will be doing this again on March 16! Will you join us?

youthrights Top Ten Reasons to Lower the Voting Age! – http://bit.ly/cavxOT #16tovote

arclights My own view is that there should be no voting age, but 16 would be an improvement. #16tovote

youthrights Have you seen our voting age ad? Aired in October 2008. Created by @nyrasefl! http://bit.ly/9lVTJh #16tovote

sciville Asking if someone is mature enough to vote is like asking if they’re tall enough to do math. Has nothing to do with anything! #16tovote

youthrights Did you know Austria lowered their voting age to 16 in 2007? #16tovote

youthrights NYRA-Nanuet is working on lowering the voting age! Check out this news spot they did last year! – http://bit.ly/9oYK8j #16tovote

teh_maxh What’s lowering the voting age to sixteen? A damn good start. #16tovote

kpalicz A major new ally, the Co-op, has joined the Votes At 16 coalition in the UK, they are building momentum. #16tovote http://bit.ly/aw0gUw

bicyclingfish Lowering the voting age to 16 is just a start! Age-based discrimination should be banned altogether! Down with any voting age! #16tovote

youthrights Meyer’s Musings: It’s time to lower the voting age to 16! – http://u.nu/3had3 #16tovote

youthrights Join us this evening at 8pm EST on AIM in chatroom “nyra” to discuss lowering the voting age in our bimonthly chat! #16tovote

youthrights Today is #16tovote on the 16th! Tweet about why the voting age should be lowered to 16, with the #16tovote hashtag!

youthrights RT @UKYP Record numbers of young people in Staffordshire have voted in the UK Youth Parliament elections! http://bit.ly/dohTmx #yp #16tovote

youthrights While NYRA only operates in the USA, we certainly support worldwide efforts to lower voting ages! #16tovote

youthrights What progress has there been to lower the voting age? Check that out here: http://www.youthrights.org/votestatus.php #16tovote

youthrights In Sept 2008, @sciville showed this voting age ad to @mob_org, and they granted us some flip cams! Yay! – http://bit.ly/9lVTJh #16tovote

youthrights Something to give up for Lent: ageism! Or, better yet, give it up permanently. You can start by supporting a lower voting age! #16tovote

arclights @antonova The requirement of citizenship has nothing to do with the voting age. US citizens should have votes at any age. Start w/ #16tovote

youthrights Proposal to Lower the Voting Age – written many years ago by @teenvote – http://www.youthrights.org/voteproposal.php #16tovote

youthrights Want a lower voting age? Of course you do. Join us today in tweeting why you want to lower the voting age, with the hashtag #16tovote!

DegrassiPwns Oh! I almost forgot! It’s the 16th! #16tovote #16tovote #16tovote #16tovote #16tovote. Making up for lost time. Hold for useful info.

youthrights Brazil: where you’ll find the Amazon rainforest, the 2016 Olympics… and enfranchised 16-year-olds! #16tovote

nyrasefl Our Founding Fathers fought against taxation w/o representation. Yet it continues today. Are you ready for the change? #16tovote

nyrasefl In Saxony-Anhelt in Germany, the voter turnout among 16-17 year-olds was 37.5% higher than that of the 21-24 demographic. #16tovote

kpalicz Teens pay an estimated $9.7 Billion dollars in sales taxes alone (in addition to much more in income taxes), yet can’t vote. #16tovote

sciville Students should be able to vote for school board for the same reason it is Americans who vote in American elections. #16tovote

youthrights In 2006, 17yo Jesse Hunter voted illegally in the Minnesota primary! – http://bit.ly/dtGNdy #16tovote

youthrights Watch our ED @kpalicz debate some opponent on the voting age on Fox News waaaay back in October 2004! – http://bit.ly/dlOyNv #16tovote

SnipeMe Voting is a RIGHT, stupid! http://snipeme.com/go2/d426f #16tovote

youthrights Buy a “16: Old Enough to Vote” bumper sticker and stick it on your car! – http://bit.ly/djpAt6 #16tovote

youthrights “The Hypocrisy of the Voting Age”, by @aking91 on 4/30/07 – http://bit.ly/9tCSES #16tovote

jbbdude I still support #16tovote even though I’ll be able to vote this year anyway. Because I felt disenfranchised for years.

kpalicz Wonder why I support #16tovote? Here are lots of great reasons: http://bit.ly/cJjuMR

18todrink Boston Tea Party = ppl that were mad about having to pay tax w/o representation? So are the 16yr olds that pay BILLIONS in taxes! #16tovote

SnipeMe Even though I’m in my 30s, I support a lower voting age because young people are, first and foremost PEOPLE and CITIZENS too! #16tovote

Spin0za1 and yes, 16 is old enough to vote. http://tinyurl.com/yjfmr5c #16tovote

youthrights Thanks so much, everyone, for your #16tovote tweets! This has been excellent! We’ll be doing it again in 4 weeks on March 16. Can’t wait! 🙂

youthrights Thanks for the #16tovote tweets @Spin0za1, @18todrink, @kpalicz, @SnipeMe, @Chipmazing, @jbbdude, @teh_maxh, @newtown11, @sciville, (cont’d)

youthrights Thanks for the #16tovote tweets @silverfang77, @arclights, @nyrasefl, @De_Koers, @SchoolSurvival, @DegrassiPwns, @the_boy, (cont’d)

youthrights Thanks for the #16tovote tweets @kingnixon, @maymaym, @Sudbury_nl, @bicyclingfish, and @nickj_47! Looking forward to 3/16! 🙂


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