Last month NYRA board member, Katrina Moncure announced plans to organize an awareness campaign for lowering the voting age. Named #16tovote on the 16th, the campaign had its first even on the 16th of February. Youth rights supporters are encouraged to “tweet” about lowering the voting age on Twitter and include the hashtag #16tovote. For those familiar with Twitter, hashtags allow users to create trends on Twitter and link up their tweets with others on a common theme or subject. Users posted voting age related stats, links to NYRA publications about lowering the voting age, news stories on the subject, and their own thoughts and feelings about voting. In total there were approximately 70 tweets sent out on the 16th as part of the campaign.

Campaign organizer Katrina Moncure described the first #16tovote on the 16th event as a great success that surpassed all her expectations. The campaign will continue again on March 16, all NYRA members and supporters are urged to participate! This time members are encouraged to write blogs, make videos, and generate more voting age content to promote through Twitter. Stop by the forum to help organize the event on March 16.

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