The 26th run of #16tovote on the 16th was a little slower and less participated-in than usual, but it still went on and went pretty well anyway. One special thing was how this one took place in the planning stages of an upcoming voting age campaign that’s in the works (which there will be more details on soon).

Next is of course Monday, April 16, but for now, the recap! Also, I have linked to each tweet as well as copied.

youthrights Here we go again! It’s… #16tovote on the 16th! Here’s Top 10 Reasons to Lower the Voting Age!
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ErikBraghirol If 16 year-olds could vote,spanking in schools wouldn’t still be legal in 19 states. #16tovote.
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youthrights Political candidates aren’t restricting their voters when they restrict teens. So they are free to scapegoat! #16tovote
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sciville People think teens are “too stupid” to vote, yet plenty of those who can vote voted for Santorum. Really? #16tovote
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youthrights Students can’t vote for the school boards that run the schools that control them every day. #16tovote
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zombieramen #16tovote: Reinvigorate your social studies curriculum today!
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cornfedblonde @ErikBraghirol 16 year olds get taxes taken out of their paychecks as well #16tovote
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kstarks17 YES #16tovote for 24 more hours! best day of every month. definitely beats soup day in the cafe. @youthrights
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youthrights Our Voting Age page: For all your voting age needs! 🙂 #16tovote
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SamCEllis #ff @youthrights who are today running their monthly #16toVote campaign across the pond
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FoxfireBurns I want my #16tovote ! I should have had it when I was 16.
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Amy33Amy33 #weliveinaworldwhere A 16 year old can vote in most of Europe but not America #16tovote
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youthrightsmn No Taxation without Representation!! #16tovote
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ErikBraghirol #WeLiveAWorldWhere 16 year-olds can decide if they need mental health treatment, but cannot vote. #16tovote.
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youthrightsmn #16tovote on the twitter today.
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youthrights Good morning! St. Patrick’s Day is tomorrow. Spring is almost here. But today… another #16tovote on the 16th! 🙂
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youthrights If teens aren’t “politically knowledgeable” enough to vote, then how come adults who aren’t still can? Age doesn’t tell you that. #16tovote
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youthrights Teens will just vote like parents? What if mom votes GOP and dad votes Dem? Aha! #16tovote
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Schmidt_Law Teens need to be able to vote for school board members to protect their rights against things like this: #16tovote
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cohofarm #16tovote
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youthrights Think of lowering the voting age as just one of very many ways to say “Yes, young people are in fact PEOPLE! Treat them as such!” #16tovote
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youthrights “I care about the environment and social security!” Our voting age TV ad from 2008! 🙂 #16tovote
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youthrights There must be some compelling state interest for restricting voting rights. Vague assertions about teenage immaturity don’t count. #16tovote
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youthrights Part 4 of our Youth Rights 101 series: The Right to Vote! Some quick voting age points there. 🙂 #16tovote
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youthrights Politically savvy, tax paying 16-year-old still cannot vote. All because of her date of birth. #16tovote
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youthrights Our always fabulous President @UsielX speaking for free speech and voting rights at the Supreme Court! #16tovote
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youthrights Like any voter, teens would vote for those who resonate with them. If you silence and scapegoat them, they’ll vote against you! #16tovote
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youthrights Most candidates want to help youth. Many want to be “tough” on youth. Very few want to give youth a real voice. : #16tovote
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youthrights #16tovote on the 16th is going nicely! Once again… Top 10 Reasons to Lower the Voting Age! 🙂
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youthrights Mitt Romney has ties with abusive behavior mod
“schools” for “troubled” teens. His voters need never fear being sent to one. #16tovote
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Amy33Amy33 #ElLibroQueEstoyLeyendoEs (TheBookI’mReadingis) Actually I’m not reading any books, tho I am reading #16toVote Tweets
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youthrights Even if voting itself might seem unimportant, think of how different youth policy would be if those affected COULD vote! #16tovote
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Amy33Amy33 #askreply Whats your opinion on lowering the voting age? #16tovote
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youthrights Middle-agers commit more crimes than teens do, yet teens often get scapegoated in anti-crime policy. Because they can’t vote! #16tovote
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Amy33Amy33 #WordsIveHeardBefore “Young people shouldn’t vote, They don’t have jobs!” (Yeah right :/ #16tovote )
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FoxfireBurns Let youth #16toVote ? That’s okay as a slogan, but not as good as I Want My #16toVote !
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youthrights Lower voting age is constitutional! 26th Amendment only forbids voting age from being higher than 18. It can be lower. 🙂 #16tovote
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youthrights So… who wants to help plan a big campaign to lower the voting age? We’re having a chat about one on Sunday! 🙂 #16tovote
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youthrights We have our chats here: Join us Sunday 3/18 at 9:30pm EDT to discuss our upcoming voting age campaign! 😀 #16tovote
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youthrights It’s telling that fear of teens is so deeply ingrained, some fear merely giving teens an equal say as adults means catastrophe! #16tovote
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youthrights Politicians appease adult voters’ fear of crime and of teens by slapping a curfew on those too young to vote! #16tovote
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youthrights Those who say teens lack political knowledge to vote don’t agree on what exact knowledge is needed, just that teens don’t have it. #16tovote
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youthrights Our friends at @Vote17Lowell are working relentlessly to lower the voting age in Lowell, MA! 😀 #16tovote #ff
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youthrights Six hours to go for this 26th run of #16tovote on the 16th! Once again, the 2008 voting age ad! 🙂 #16tovote
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youthrights When Ann Coulter said “raise the voting age!”, our then-ED @kpalicz said “lower the voting age!” #16tovote
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Mbicesk8r End young adult discrimination #16tovote
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sciville Don’t like the idea of teens voting? Then don’t vote as a teen! 😛 #16tovote
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sciville Don’t think teens should be voting? Well, lots of people surely think you shouldn’t be voting (myself included). So STFU. 😛 #16tovote
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teenvote Michael Moore supports a lower voting age! #16tovote
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youthrights None of those who set or vote for laws restricting teenagers will ever be subject to them. #16tovote
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teenvote Link to youtube- Michae Moore supports lower voting age. #16tovote
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teenvote Watch NYRA-Nanuet (NY) campaign for a lower voting age- 2008 #16tovote
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teenvote NYRA argues for a lower voting age on Fox News #16tovote
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teenvote Worldwide voting age Movement- Ireland. #16tovote
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teenvote UK- Trailer for a documentary exploring lower the voting age. #16tovote
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teenvote BIG Meeting on our Let Youth Vote campaign! This Sunday, March 19 in the NYRA chat room at 9:30pm eastern (6:30pm Pacific). #16tovote
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sciville Blaming disenfranchised teens for political apathy is like tying someone’s legs together and blaming him for not jogging. #16tovote
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youthrights Check out “The Disenfranchised” on ProYouth Pages! #16tovote
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teenvote Get 5 or 20 or 50 people together…any age but especially youth! Have a protest to lower the voting age #16tovote
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youthrights Shout out to our awesome long time board member Keith Mandell (@teenvote) for organizing our upcoming voting age campaigns! 🙂 #16tovote
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teenvote Shout out to NYRA board member Katrina Moncure for her tireless promotion (every month!) of the 16 to vote campaign. #16tovote
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Jordan_Carr We put the future on the backs of the youth, so why don’t we let them have a say in the future bc it’s their backs you’re braking. #16ToVote
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teh_maxh #16tovote or I’ll make you eat chilli of your parents and lick your tears
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sciville If teens will just vote the same as parents, what about when *gasp!* the parents don’t vote the same as each other?! Oh noes! #16tovote
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sciville “Sure, teens, we’ll happily take your tax dollars. Wait, what? You want to vote? No way! You’re just KIDS!” -The Government #16tovote
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teh_maxh Of course I voted the same way as my mother — I filled out her ballot for her. #16tovote
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chrisbartley5 This sounds like me RT @youthrights: RT @teh_maxh: Of course I voted the same way as my mother — I filled out her ballot for her. #16tovote
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youthrights Three hours to go for #16tovote on the 16th! Once again, @UsielX’s Election Day Supreme Court speech! 🙂 #16tovote
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youthrights Not one of the teens who will be busted for violating a local curfew law tonight has a say in that curfew law. #16tovote
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youthrights Once again, here’s Youth Rights 101, Part 4: The Right to Vote – #16tovote
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youthrights Shouldn’t the actual STUDENTS get at least as much say in school board elections as community’s non-parent non-teacher adults? #16tovote
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youthrights Old enough to pay income taxes and be tried “as an adult”, old enough to vote. Makes sense! #16tovote
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youthrights @CollegeXclusive As you can probably tell from our tweets all day, we want it lowered to 16. 🙂 #16tovote
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the_boy #16toVote because suffrage is awesome, and Iran used to let 16-year-olds vote but has only had trouble since they took that away.
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youthrights @CollegeXclusive Here’s our Voting Age page with more info, with answers to many common questions. 🙂 #16tovote
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arclights Do you value your vote? Then you know why. Do you read my tweets? Then you know why too: I post the same ones every month #16tovote #0tovote
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arclights Which US minority is forced to go where others send them because of a fact fixed at birth? The one that can’t vote! #16tovote #0tovote
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youthrights Just 15 minutes left of this 26th run of #16tovote on the 16th! Let’s give it a good finish! 🙂
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youthrights We hear the excuses, that teens lack maturity or life experience or whatever for voting. But these are undefined and irrelevant. #16tovote
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youthrights If you want only the informed to vote, then let only those proven “informed” vote (for example). Why does 18 matter? #16tovote
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youthrights With 18 as voting age and age for so much else, it reinforces those under 18 as “other”, as deserving of degradation. #16tovote
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youthrights Yes, 16 is still an age, but it’s meant as a first step to broader rights for all youth. Lower the voting age and more will come! #16tovote
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youthrights Austria and other places already have the voting age at 16. It’s a reality! American youth deserve that voice as well! #16tovote
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youthrights Lower voting age is a simple change that harms no one yet makes an important stride to greater world for youth and everyone else! #16tovote
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youthrights And… that’s it for this 26th run of #16tovote on the 16th! Thanks, everyone! 😀 Timeline clogging credits up soon.
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MarinelCool @youthrights 16 to vote is not over yet! Central time zone and west coast folks join in. Lower the voting age! #16tovote
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youthrights Thanks for the #16tovote tweets! @ErikBraghirol @sciville @oinonio @the_boy @JonSM99 @zombieramen @cornfedblonde @kstarks17 @SamCEllis

youthrights Thanks for the #16tovote tweets! @chrisbartley5 @FoxfireBurns @Amy33Amy33 @youthrightsmn @Schmidt_Law @atakins @KyleeGrady @SchoolSurvival

youthrights Thanks for the #16tovote tweets! @silverfang1977 @nickj47 @YA4H @YNotVote @cohofarm @tKochers @StrawberryTech @smiley2010 @daniel_immke

youthrights Thanks for the #16tovote tweets! @Al_ssa @16Vote @Mbicesk8r @sableverity @teenvote @Sethkeel @Jordan_Carr @taradinoc @teh_maxh

youthrights Thanks for the #16tovote tweets! @opliberation1 @Mort_C_Szousa @arclights @MarinelCool and anyone we missed! 🙂

youthrights And don’t forget! We’re discussing our new voting age campaign Sunday night at 9:30pm EDT in our chatroom! #16tovote

youthrights And, of course, we do good old #16tovote on the 16th again on Monday, April 16! You’re all wonderful! Goodnight, everybody! 😀

youthrights For more voting age information, check out our Voting Age page! 🙂 #16tovote

See you then!

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