NYRA Freedom

ISSN 1933-5229

Volume 2, Issue 4

April 25, 2002


Cambridge Lowers Voting Age
Publicity Committee Formed
Sarah Lawrence Speaks at AU
Slogan Search Underway
New Features on Webpage
High School Directory Project Begins
NYRA Recruits at DC Peace Rally
Chapter News


It is now the end of NYRA’s first year under its first Strategic Plan, and things are exploding. As you can see from the table of contents, this month’s “NYRA Freedom” is almost twice as long as last months, there is a great deal of activity in NYRA and the Youth Rights movement around the country. The biggest step toward lowering the voting age in 30 years has been taken in Massachusetts, and on the NYRA front great strides are being made in increasing our performance as an organization, new projects and new positions are being created to increase our activity in the country. It is a good time to get involved, and to stay involved. Youth Rights is taking off.

Cambridge Lowers Voting Age

After months of work students in Cambridge, MA, have finally persuaded their city council to lower the voting age to 17! In an 8-1 vote the city of Cambridge became the first city in the United States to grant suffrage to citizens under 18. Students were celebrating after the March 25th decision, but their celebration is short-lived as the measure still needs approval by the Massachusetts State Legislature. The group who won this victory, the Campaign for a Democratic Future vows to continue the fight. NYRA will look into how we can get involved in this historic campaign.

Publicity Committee Formed

Illinois high school senior, Brad White has been hired to Chair NYRA’s new Publicity Committee. White has much experience with the media and has already begun work on getting more press attention for the National Youth Rights Association. There are positions opening up in the new Publicity Committee and NYRA members are needed to staff this all-important mouthpiece of the organization. Check out the newly updated Internships section on the NYRA front page for job listings.

Sarah Lawrence Speaks at AU

On April 16th, the founder of the world wide “Taking Children Seriously” movement spoke at American University. Invited by the NYRA-AU chapter, Sarah Lawrence spoke to a friendly crowd about Youth Rights and the philosophy that underlies our movement. Lawrence stressed the importance of raising children with respect and dignity so they will recognize their equality with adults at an early age. The informal atmosphere was great for discussing the principles of Youth Rights.

Slogan Search Underway

After a great list of slogans were submitted by the membership, the Board of Directors choose the top 10 and put the matter to the membership to decide which one was best. Voting has been very strong, in just a week 55 votes have been cast. Members have until May 1 to cast their ballots, please vote, NYRA’s slogan is how we will be seen by people all across the country. It will be as important to NYRA as “Just Do It” is to Nike or “We Shall Overcome” was to the Civil Rights movement. Go to: www.youthrights.org/slogan.html and vote now!

New Features on Webpage

The NYRA webpage is your one-stop shop for Youth Rights information and activity. Much work has been done on it and there are new features for the NYRA membership to enjoy. Every week there is a new poll on Youth Rights issues provided by vote.com, and every month a new Youth Rights quote will appear at the bottom of the page. Click on the freechild.org link for lots of Youth Rights research and explore the NYRA Picture Gallery to see photos of NYRA in action. The front page is a great place to stay updated on Youth Rights stories around the country. Finally the NYRA Forums are the best place to debate anything and everything about Youth Rights, check it out today!

High School Directory Project Begins

NYRA has undertaken the most ambitious project in its history. To increase our exposure to high schools we are endeavoring to make a nationwide directory of High School newspapers. NYRA members William Johnson, Katherine Hill, and Shiree Weinbaum have begun work on collecting this huge amount of information. This directory will be used to send press releases and develop relationships with high school media across the country. It is a big task and NYRA needs all the help it can get, if you are interested in helping out please e-mail NYRAUSA@….

NYRA Recruits at DC Peace Rally

Washington, DC swelled with tens of thousands of protesters this last weekend as activists converged on the city to rally in favor of peace and against globalization. Dave Varney, the newly appointed Northeastern Recruiting Director was there as well as some local NYRA volunteers to recruit new members for the cause. Literature was handed out and many young activists were introduced to the Youth Rights Movement.

Chapter News

The National Youth Rights Association welcomes its first statewide chapter, NYRA – Mississippi. The application submitted by NYRA-MS President David Dilley has been approved and the chapter has begun work. NYRA members in Madison, Wisconsin are finalizing their NYRA chapter, we hope to welcome them soon. Other chapter formation intents have been submitted from Texas, Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, and Mississippi. Contact the CFR Committee at CFRNYRA@… to start a chapter today!


This has been the eighth issue of “NYRA Freedom.” As you’ve read, the organization is growing rapidly, there are lots of ways to get involved either by starting a chapter, working for the Publicity Committee, or helping the High School Directory Project. Remember: we all have the power to change our world.