NYRA Freedom

ISSN 1933-5229

Volume 2, Issue 3

March 24, 2002


Campaign Finance Reform Battle
NYRA-AU Welcomes Dr. Hanson
NYRA Restructures
NYLF Conferences
Chapter News


March is here, and, for many of us, the beginning of Spring’s warm weather. It’s the season for baseball and track meets, and its also a good time to get involved in your community. NYRA is currently going through a period of restructuring. In addition to this, we are working to spread the word in opposition to the anti-youth campaign finance reform bill that recently passed through congress, so there are definitely plenty of opportunities to make a difference in the youth rights arena.

Campaign Finance Reform Battle

The National Youth Rights Association has begun its battle against the anti-youth clause in the Shays-Meehan campaign finance reform bill, which would prevent those under 18 from donating to their political parties and significantly hinder youth involvement in politics. Press releases have been distributed to major newspapers and the entire membership of the Youth Vote Coalition to help get the word out. The president of NYRA has contacted several senators to gain their support to amend Shays-Meehan. Organizations such as Millenial Politics and Freechild.org have helped spread our voice of opposition to the anti-youth portion of campaign finance.

NYRA-AU Welcomes Dr. Hanson

On Thursday March 21st the American University chapter of NYRA held an event on campus featuring Dr. David J. Hanson as speaker. Dr. Hanson is an expert in the field of alcohol research and is an outspoken advocate of lowering the drinking age. He has written over 300 papers on the subject and offers his opinion frequently on radio and TV. Hanson spoke charismatically and informatively about the drinking age to the audience of AU students and area NYRA members.

NYRA Restructures

As does the natural world in springtime, NYRA is restructuring and reorganizing to become more efficient. Alex Koroknay Palicz has the new title of Executive Director. In order to handle day-to-day operations, the position of Operations Director, filled by Chris Coes, was created. NYRA is also planning on to introduce a pay membership of $5.00 a year, in addition to the basic free membership. Stay tuned for more about this.

NYLF Conferences

The National Youth Leadership Forum Conference that took place this March was, as expected, largely a success for NYRA. The ideas behind youth rights were discussed and debated, and some of those originally opposed to the idea were persuaded towards it. Over 40 new members joined NYRA, and everyone in attendance seemed interested our cause. I think we can expect to see more and more achievements in membership as the word gets out.

Chapter News

This month the National Youth Rights Association welcomes yet another chapter, this one in the Tennesee Valley. Its also necessary to mention that in last month’s newsletter, the new chapter named as Georgia Middle College is actually Middle Georgia College. We appologize for the mistake. If you are interested in forming a chapter of NYRA in your school or community, check out the new edition of the NYRA chapter handbook, available shortly.


This has been the seventh issue of “NYRA Freedom”. As you’ve read, there are lots of opportunities for you to become involved in youth rights this spring. I will continue to keep you updated monthly on the status of NYRA’s various endeavors and projects, and hope you’ll all get involved in your local, state, and federal governments. Remember: we all have the power to change our world.