NYRA Freedom

ISSN 1933-5229

Scott Davidson and Adam King

Volume 6, Issue 9

September 12, 2006


NYRA Board Holds First Meeting, Elects Officers
NYRA Berkeley Announces Raffle
NYRA-Vermont Commons Formed
Staff Changes, Requests
News from the Web


By Scott Davidson

NYRA is preparing for a lot of exciting activity over the next several months. We expect a revived DC chapter and more great things out of Vermont and Berkeley. Our Board of Directors held its first meeting, and is already in the process of developing exciting ideas for the coming term. With more chapter activity and an invigorated national office, NYRA is poised for success.

NYRA Board Holds First Meeting, Elects Officers

By Scott Davidson

On Sunday, September 3rd, NYRA’s new Board of Directors held its first meeting. The Board elected Scott Davidson, former Secretary, to serve as President. The board elected Adam King as Vice President. Zach Hobesh of NYRA-Berkeley is now NYRA’s Treasurer, and Rich Jahn while not a board member this year, is once again NYRA’s Secretary, returning to a position he held a few years ago.

The board also approved a pair of resolutions allowing non-director officers to sit on board committees, and reapproved a bylaw defining NYRA’s chapters as separate legal entities. Later, the board engaged in a somewhat controversial discussion regarding standards on the forums. Most of the board agreed that there should be some limits regarding what can be posted on NYRA’s web forums. Toward the end of the meeting, the discussion moved toward the possibility of protests in November, and other action steps to move the organization forward.

NYRA’s board will meet later this month, or early in October, to discuss scheduling and committee appointments. They are also expected to adopt a new policy regarding abstentions and discuss strategy for the coming year.

NYRA Berkeley Announces Raffle

By Scott Davidson

NYRA Berkeley, one of NYRA’s most active chapters, will be raffling off iPod nanos to raise money for their activities. Twelve iPod nanos will be awarded through 2007. The money for the first nanos is being fronted by NYRA-Berkeley officers Pamela Tatz and Zach Hobesh. After a while, NYRA-Berkeley expects the fundraiser to more than pay for itself.

NYRA-Berkeley has been one of NYRA’s best chapters for over two years. Members participating in the raffle can be assured that their money will be put to good use. Interested individuals should contact Zach Hobesh

NYRA-Vermont Commons Formed

By Scott Davidson

NYRA members have formed a new chapter, NYRA-Vermont Commons. This chapter will be a welcome addition to NYRA’s thriving Vermont state chapter. The chapter’s President will be Alex Hollender, and the Vice President will be Asher Leff, the younger brother of former NYRA Board Member Jay Leff. Other officers include Julia Coz, Rosa, Erin Wiley, and Rowan Post. NYRA expects great things from this chapter. Interested members should contact Alex Hollender (alexhollender@gmail.com)

Staff Changes, Requests

By Adam King

In the past few weeks, NYRA has accepted resignations from Tina Phillips (West Region Captain), Adam King (South Region Captain), Eli Gottlieb (Northeast Region Captain), and Chris Batchelor (Assistant South Region Captain).

I have served as the South Region Captain for over a year, and seeing how I am involved in many other areas of NYRA, I thought it would be best to focus my efforts on those areas. I will still serve as the Region Captain Supervisor and Instructor; the only thing I am resigning from is my position as South Region Captain.

In other news, Jessica Campbell was transferred from the Midwest Region to the West Region. NYRA has selected Chip Sinton as its Midwest Region Captain, and it has also accepted Tori House as its Northeast Region Captain.

Applications are now being accepted for the Central and South Regions. If you are interested, please talk with me and fill out an application at http://www.youthrights.org/chapterformation.php

News from the Web

Drug Use Up for Boomers, Down for Teens

Curfew Considered for Utica

128 Students Suspended at Ind. School

State Senate Candidate Backs Cell Phone Ban in Schools

Sex Ed Changes at School with 65 Pregnant Teens


By Adam King

It is good news to see a new chapter, and I hope we see more come along in the coming months. I have stressed it many times before, and I will again. Chapter formation is crucial to NYRA’s success. As a 501 c3, NYRA is restricted to limited amounts of lobbying, among other restrictions. NYRA simply cannot focus on every local area of the United States. That is where chapters come in. With a hopefully large group of people in one area, we can attack the problems that are happening locally. However, without a chapter, that is impossible. As school has started for most students now, we encourage you to talk with your school’s principal about starting a chapter/youth rights club. With a youth rights club, you can work on any issues that are going on at your school, and you have a large potential membership base. Whether it be forming chapters or making phone calls, let’s all strive to help in some area of NYRA.