NYRA Freedom

ISSN 1933-5229

Volume 4, Issue 7

July 8, 2004


Voting Age Bill Passes Committee
NYRA Tables Warped Tour Events
M-A-Y March
NYRA President Speaks at Conference
NYRA Election to be the Most Competitive Ever
News From the Web


A few great things have happened since the last issue of NYRA Freedom. While SCA 19 still has a ways to go, it passed two committee’s, which is farther than I thought it would make it. The NYRA election promises to be the most exciting and competitive ever, making next years board a sure success. NYRA will have some great opportunities to recruit this summer, bringing more great people in to the fold.

Voting Age Bill Passes Committee

SCA 19, a bill that would grant half a vote to sixteen year olds, and one fourth of a vote to fourteen year olds, passed the Constitutional Amendments Committee. The bill passed 3-1, with three Democrats in favor of the bill, and two Republicans against it, one of whom was absent. Next the bill goes to the Senate Appropriations Committee, which it is likely to pass. This bill, sponsored by Senator John Vasconcellos, has already gained much media attention for NYRA and Youth Rights. As it progresses through the system, it is likely to be in the public eye even more.

NYRA Election to be the Most Competitive Ever

NYRA is a democracy, and all dues paying members have the right to vote in our annual board of directors election. This is a vital aspect of our operations, as the board of directors is NYRA’s highest governing body and its members control the fate of the organization. The election begins on the 15th, and lasts a month, so if you haven’t paid your dues, please do so.

With fourteen candidates competing for nine spots on the board, voters should look for the candidacy statements that will be coming out soon, and get to know each of the candidates. Only five of the candidates are incumbents, and all of the new comers are very qualified individuals, so no matter how it comes out the new board will be exciting and productive.

Only dues paying members are entitled to vote in the election, so it is strongly urged you pay your $10 dues in time for the election. Your support is needed to keep NYRA running smooth. Just visit www.youthrights.org/donate.shtml

NYRA Tables Warped Tour Events

A short while ago, NYRA member Rio Samsie pulled some strings and got NYRA permission to table at the Warped Tour. For those of you who don’t know, the Warped Tour is a summer music tour that travels all over the country. The tour is very popular with young people, and this is a great opportunity for us to recruit and raise funds. Volunteers have pledged to help NYRA table these events in nine cities.

NYRA’s first stop on the tour was in San Francisco where volunteer Svend la Rose introduced many people to NYRA. In Las Vegas NYRA member Brendan Perez and Timothy Taycher were hard at work. Thirty four members were recruited and eighteen dollars were made selling buttons. Both events fell far short of expectations, both for recruiting and selling merchandise, but both succeeded in introducing people to youth rights and passing out literature.

A lot of work also went in to making flyers, T-shirts, and buttons for these events. Special thanks to SSDP and YSA for letting us use their copiers.

MAY March

MAY, or Mobilizing America’s Youth’s March Across America, recently concluded on July 1st in Washington D.C. Thousands of young activists in 15 cities marched for various reasons. They were spreading the word about what ever issues felt most dear to them, and networking with other activists.

In D.C., where 500 people came throughout the day, NYRA President Alex Koroknay-Palicz gave a speech. Alex did not know he was to speak at the event. Youth Rights activist Scott Beale approached him, and informed him of the opportunity, and just as he finished, Alex was introduced and went on stage. He gave an improvised and passionate appeal for support, and argued for Youth Rights.

NYRA President Speaks at Conference

Earlier this month, NYRA President Alex Koroknay-Palicz spoke at the annual conference for the Center for Youth as Resources. He spoke to a small crowd that was very interested. Alex networked with activists and panel members while at the conference.

News From the Web

“The House of lords Restrains the Hand that hits the child”


“Republican Senate Candidate urges lower drinking age”


“School District Bans Pink Clothing”


“Father takes son of Ritalin; charged with child abuse”


“Teen Wants Vote for 14 year olds”



Its been another productive month for Youth Rights. In the coming months expect a new leadership with new ideas, and a lot of new, active members. Also, if SCA 19 continues to be successful, we will have victories unprecedented in our organizations history.