NYRA Freedom

ISSN 1933-5229

Volume 4, Issue 6

June 10, 2004


NYRA Election Announced
NYRA to Table at Warped Tour
Mobilizing America’s Youth Plans March
NYRA Member Fights Drinking Age
NYRA Member on Teen Talk Radio
Server Switch
News From the Web


I see great things just over the horizon for NYRA, and the Youth of America in general. With summer starting, and compulsory education’s iron fist beginning to lose its grasp on potential activists, more people will have time to ensure that NYRA is a success. NYRA members continue to appear in major media outlets, a bill to lower the voting age is likely to pass another committee, and our annual election is shaping up to be one of the most exciting in our history. I would also like to take this time to say congratulations to all NYRA members graduating high school and college this year.

2004 Election Announced

At their May meeting on Sunday, the NYRA Board of Directors approved this year’s election schedule. Voting will begin on July 15 and will conclude at the General Meeting in New York City on August 14. After many years in Washington, DC, the in-person annual meeting has shifted to New York this summer, all members are encouraged to attend. Time and location of the meeting will be announced later. All dues paying members are entitled to vote in the election and run for the Board of Directors. This year’s election promises to be one of our most competitive, so be sure to become a full member so you can vote. If you are interested in running for the Board of Directors, please announce your candidacy. To check out a list of individuals already running, and discuss the upcoming election, please go here.

NYRA Joins Warped Tour

Thanks to the great work and connections of NYRA member Rio Samsie, NYRA has been invited to table at the summer punk concert tour, the Warped Tour. So far NYRA-DC has registered for the DC area show on August 4, but the invitation is open to all dates of the tour. All NYRA chapter leaders and NYRA activists are strongly encouraged to work a literature table when the Warped Tour comes your way. Please send us an e-mail to set things up. This has huge potential for youth rights, as NYRA stands to introduce tens of thousands of people to the cause all over the country. Stay tuned for more information.

Mobilizing America’s Youth Plans March

Mobilizing America’s Youth, or MAY, an organization long known to be friendly to NYRA and Youth Rights, has organized a March Across America. Through the march, MAY hopes to provide young people with an opportunity to network and rally support for their existing efforts, and also to unify youth and create a national youth agenda.

The march will move through fifteen cities throughout the country, and culminate at a rally in Washington D.C. on July 9th. These events are expected to draw thousands of people, and it should be very interesting. There will be bands, speakers, community service opportunities, and a great deal of time where you can discuss youth rights, and any other issues about which you feel passionate. MAY is a wonderful organization, which has the capacity to one day be a very strong and influential advocacy group, like AARP only for young people. If you are interested in participating please visit http://www.mobilize.org/.

NYRA Member Fights Drinking Age

NYRA member Matthew Malone, of Brighton, MA, is fighting the drinking age in his area. Mr. Malone, who has experience working on this issue, has decided to bring the question back to the voters. He will take the issue of lowering the drinking age to the ballot in a district in the city of Boston. He has already filled out much of the necessary paper work, and the project will be picking up a lot of steam next week.

The proposal would essentially lower the drinking age to nineteen, with certain restrictions placed on eighteen year old drinkers, much like the system many states have for driving. If this passes it will set a precedent that will spread throughout the country and attract much media attention for the movement.

NYRA Member Appears on Teen Talk Radio

On Thursday, June 3rd, NYRA member Arpan Patel appeared on Teen Talk Radio in New York. By all accounts the appearance was an overwhelming success. While Mr. Patel did not have all the time he would have hoped, he did get some time to discuss NYRA issues. He was quoted as saying, “I had enough opportunity to get our basic ideas across.” The radio station said they were very pleased with Arpan’s appearance.

Server Switch

NYRA has long been hoping to switch its website from the current server (AM Hosting) to Milescape, which would allow us to have more features, and would run smoother with more security. However, this project has been marred by inefficiency. In recent weeks great progress has been made, which is very exciting because this has been on the back burner for months.

News From the Web

(NYRA articles in italics)

Father takes son off ritalin; charged with child Abuse – http://abcnews.go.com/sections/Living/US/mental_illness_treatment_kids_040607-1.html?HEALTHAd=true

Teen wants vote for 14-year-olds – http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2004/06/07/BAGL471TIS1.DTL

Montgomery, AL gets daytime curfew – http://www.montgomeryadvertiser.com/NEWS/StoryLocalcouncil02.htm

Justices side with law enforcement in interrogation of juveniles – http://www.cnn.com/2004/LAW/06/01/scotus.juvenile.questioning.ap/index.html

Cal City to amend curfew law – http://www.thetimesonline.com/articles/2004/05/26/news/local_illinois/f6803c14c6c0541386256ea00003edf0.txt

Indianapolis votes down paddle policy – http://nospank.net/n-m18r.htm

CA Senate votes to ban random drug testing of students – http://www.nctimes.com/articles/2004/05/19/news/state/19_49_445_18_04.txt

Californians consider granting 14-year-olds the right to vote – http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2004/05/06/MNGCR6GIIK1.DTL


All in all, this is a month full of overwhelmingly positive news. While there are still a few areas where the youth rights movement is losing ground, the tide of history is beginning to move in our favor. I think that with a little luck, a lot more money, and some hard work, we could make this decade as important to the youth rights movement as the 1840’s were the women’s rights movement, or the 1960’s were to the black civil rights movement.