NYRA Freedom

ISSN 1933-5229

Volume 5, Issue 1

January 2005


NYRA on Fox News Again
Canada Considers a Lower Voting Age
NYRA has New Media Director
NYRA’s Website Now Accessible in Spanish
News from the Web


What started out as a relatively slow month has ended on a series of high notes. NYRA made one of its most significant television appearances to date, and our comprehensive web site has been partially translated, making it of use to a great many more people. The chapters in Santa Fe and Vermont seem to be coming along nicely. NYRA has a new media director, who seems like someone capable of launching the kind of focused and aggressive media campaign we need. I hope 2005 is a great year for all of you, as I know it will be for NYRA. With your continued support this could be our break through year. Expect a lot of good news in the months to come.

NYRA on Fox News Again

On December 31st, former NYRA media director Brad White appeared on Fox News to discuss the drinking age. The appearance, which came out of nowhere and was arranged at the last minute, was wildly successful. The show, “Your World with Cavuto” is very popular, and Fox is the most watched cable news network. Brad’s appearance may have been seen by over a million people, and is perhaps the most significant NYRA has ever had. Guest host Stewart Varney asked Brad some tough questions, and misleading facts were presented on the screen. Brad however, held his ground and delivered a good argument. He emphasized the fact that the minimum legal drinking age has simply shifted the problem to another demographic, and has not dealt with it. He also emphasized the need for responsible drinking earlier in life, so people do not behave irresponsibly when they turn twenty one. On the heels of Alex Koroknay-Palicz’s appearances on PBS and Fox News, this is especially significant. With this exposure, and a more focused media effort, it will be easier for NYRA to affect change.

Canada Considers a Lower Voting Age

There is a Private Member’s Bill before the Canadian government that seems very promising. Co-sponsored by members from all four of Canada’s political parties, the bill would lower the voting age to sixteen. Inspired by www.vote16.ca, the politicians in favor of the bill cite declining voter participation as a major reason to lower the voting age, a problem certainly not exclusive to our friends north of the border.

Feeling that a lower voting age would increase voter participation, and that empowering youth is a just end of its own, these Canadian MPs make encouraging arguments in favor of the bill. Co-sponsor Stephanie Bergeron had this to say: “In our society, a 16-year-old can hold a driver’s license, he can work and thus must pay taxes. Under the principle of no taxation without representation, we should give 16- and 17-year-olds a say in how their tax dollars are spent.”

If the bill passes, time will tell the world that empowering young people is a good idea. People will see that it worked in Canada, and Canada will set a precedent for the United States and other nations to follow. NYRA extends its gratitude to Mark Holland, Nathan Cullen, Belinda Stronach, Stéphane Bergeron, and vote16.ca for taking on this important issue. Please visit the following link for more information, http://www.youthrights.org/forums/showthread.php?t=2340

NYRA has a New Media Director

Filling an office long left vacant, NYRA member Chanc Amis has taken charge of NYRA’s media affairs. Chanc Amis, who has a comprehensive understanding of youth rights, was drawn to NYRA primarily by our positions on the drinking age and youth curfews. Chanc hopes NYRA will continue in the same general direction, but feels he can help us work the media more effectively. Chanc has extensive experience with the Young Democrats of Arkansas, Young Politicians of Arkansas, and SEAC. NYRA is proud to have Chanc on the staff, and we look forward to all the valuable contributions he will make. His door is always open, so if you have any questions or ideas, don’t hesitate to email Chance.

NYRA’s Website Now Accessible in Spanish

Si! Es verdad! Youthrights.org has been partially translated in to Spanish, thanks to the hard work of Víctor Herminio, a NYRA member from Puerto Rico. Millions more can now acsess much of the information on youthrights.org, by visiting es.youthrights.org. The Spanish site follow the same design and format as the English one, the only difference is the language. NYRA can now reach to and recive support from a new demographic, which makes for very exciting news. If you think you can help with this project, please visit this thread in our web forums: http://www.youthrights.org/forums/showthread.php?t=2276&page=2&pp=20.

News From the Web

County-wide campaign aims to curb underage drinking
Student who objected to Pledge of Allegiance gives his reasons
‘Tough Love’ Schools Closed Due To Abuse Reports
Eavesdropping against law even for parent, court says
Girl, 10, cuffed for scissors in school


I think with a bit of luck and determination we could make 2005 a watershed year in the history of youth rights. The movement is slowly gaining momentum in several states, and on the national level (as evidenced by the recent Fox News and PBS apperances.) If everyone puts in a little bit of effort, we can thrust youth rights issues in to the national dialouge and achive more tangible victories than ever before. NYRA director Keith Mandell has recently said that “Twenty years from now, history may record that 2005 was the year that the youth rights movement reached the mainstream consciousness.” I think that is a very real possibility, if everyone reading this donates money, visits our web forums, and contributes to the cause in whatever way possible.