NYRA has just secured yet another voting age endorsement from Young Democrats of America, the latest of a long string of organizations that have joined the movement!

YDA is the official youth arm of the Democratic Party. Gaining their support has taken over a year and a half of going back-and-forth with YDA officials before we finally got a resolution introduced at their national meeting last month. We first had to get an endorsement from the High School Democrats of America, and at the meeting our resolution was nearly derailed by older YDA members who tried to prevent it from coming to a vote by tabling it “for further discussion.” The resolution was finally voted on, with nearly all of YDA’s national committee voting in favor.

YDA joins the Fairfax County and Westmoreland County Democrats in Virginia in their support of a lower voting age. We hope that the Young Republicans will follow the example of Rep. Michael Burgess (R-TX) and endorse lowering the voting age as well, since it should be a nonpartisan issue!

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