A month and a half ago, NYRA-DC became aware of a Mosquito being installed at the Gallery Place Metro Stop. The Mosquito’s manufacturer advertises it as a device that “disburses unwanted youth.” The device has been common in Europe and is now being installed across the U.S. NYRA-DC members immediately sprang into action and several filed complaints with the DC Office of Human Rights. Within a few weeks, the device was taken down with no plans to put it back up. This is a huge victory for NYRA and a huge victory for youth who just want to use a popular metro station without being assaulted by sonic weapons. NYRA received a great deal of press coverage for our victory over this ageist Mosquito device.

In addition to this great segment on the local ABC station, NYRA was interviewed for articles in the Washington Post, NBC4 Washington, USA Today and even attracted media coverage around the world in the United Kingdom, France and South Africa. Dave was also interviewed on the Laura Ingraham Radio Show, download the audio from the show here.

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